Now on my blog I like to keep it varied. I don't like posting about the same brand too often, or similar products or posts.
So when I posted my Lush Haul. (Read it here!) I thought I was all well and done for about another year, until next years good stuff comes out!
However I was dragged (haha!) in again with my Aunt after my haul was posted, and something caught my eye.
The main factor that grabbed my attention is that it's a long cylinder shaped bath bomb, instead of the traditional sphere, or novelty ones.
Plus it's bright purple, so a bit hard to miss, and it smells SO good!
Another good point of this for me is that it doesnt have any glitter hidden away in it. As it can irritate my skin, and cleaning out the bath is a pain!
It's so bright and strange that I HAD to try it! |
As soon as it hits the water, it starts fizzing and turning your bath water a beautiful deep purple. |
It soon releases a splash of red, and blue from the center. |
Still plenty of purple to go through!! |
It even has little stars in it! |
Once you get closer to the core, the yellow starts to appear, along with alot more blue. |
Finally you're left with a deep purple bath that smells amazing. |
I was totally entranced by this bath bomb. It fizzes for ages, with so many different colours, it smells amazing and leaves your bath deep purple.
Along with the little stars inside, the colours make for a real fireworks show!
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